The following Tables describe the Action and MQTT response for Objects when they receive the following command topic and payload.
     topic: cmnd/topic/POWER {Payload}1
Object Type Payload Action Response1
X-10 none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}|OFF2
X-10 on Set to On stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}
X-10 off Set to Off stat/topic/POWER OFF2
X-10 toggle Toggle stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}|OFF2
X-10 on value Set to On at level {value}% stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}2
X-10 value Set to On at level {value}% stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}2
Custom Light none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}|OFF2
Custom Light on Set to On stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}2
Custom Light off Set to Off stat/topic/POWER OFF2
Custom Light toggle Toggle stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}|OFF2
Custom Light value Set to On at level {value}% stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}2
Custom Light on value Set to On at level {value}% stat/topic/POWER ON {level in %}2
Flag none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Set|Clear
Flag on | set Set Flag stat/topic/POWER Set
Flag off | clear Clear Flag stat/topic/POWER Clear
Flag toggle Toggle Flag stat/topic/POWER Set|Clear
Flag on value Mask value with 0x01, if 1, then Set; if 0, then Clear stat/topic/POWER Set|Clear
Flag value Mask value with 0x01, if 1, then Set; if 0, then Clear stat/topic/POWER Set|Clear
Input none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER {High State Label | Low State Label}
Input on Not Supported -
Input off Not Supported -
Input toggle Not Supported -
Input on value Not Supported -
Input value Not Supported -
Output none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER {High State Label | Low State Label}
Output on Set to high stat/topic/POWER {High State Label}
Output off Set to low stat/topic/POWER {Low State Label}
Output toggle Toggle Output stat/topic/POWER {High State Label | Low State Label}
Output on value Not Supported -
Output value Not Supported -
HVAC none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC value Set Setpoint to value (0-99, ignored otherwise) stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC run3 Set Control Mode to Run stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC hold3 Set Control Mode to Hold stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC off3 Set HVAC Mode to Off stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC cool3 Set HVAC Mode to Cool stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC heat3 Set HVAC Mode to Heat stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC auto3 Set HVAC Mode to Auto stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC fanauto3 Set Fan Mode to Auto stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
HVAC fanon3 Set Fan Mode to On stat/topic/POWER Run|Hold Off|Cool|Heat|Auto Auto|ON {temperature} {setpoint}
DTS none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER {temperature}
DTS on Not Supported -
DTS off Not Supported -
DTS toggle Not Supported -
DTS on value Not Supported -
DTS value Not Supported -
Analog none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER {value}
Analog on Not Supported -
Analog off Not Supported -
Analog toggle Not Supported -
Analog on value Not Supported -
Analog value Not Supported -
IR none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
IR on Send IR command 1 time5 stat/topic/POWER ON 1
IR off Not Supported -
IR toggle Not Supported -
IR on value Send IR command value times5 stat/topic/POWER ON {value}
IR value Send IR command value times5 stat/topic/POWER ON {value}
Macro none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
Macro run, on Run Macro stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
Macro off Not Supported -
Macro toggle Not Supported -
Macro run, on value Not Supported -
Macro value Not Supported -
Scheduled Event none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
Scheduled Event run, on Run Scheduled Event stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
Scheduled Event off Not Supported -
Scheduled Event toggle Not Supported -
Scheduled Event run, on value Not Supported -
Scheduled Event value Not Supported -
Periodic Event none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
Periodic Event run, on Run Periodic Event stat/topic/POWER Unknown4
Periodic Event off Not Supported -
Periodic Event toggle Not Supported -
Periodic Event run, on value Not Supported -
Periodic Event value Not Supported -
Timer none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER Ringing|Running|Stopped 0:00:00.006
Timer start Start Timer stat/topic/POWER Running HHH:MM:SS.hh6
Timer stop Stop Timer stat/topic/POWER Stopped HHH:MM:SS.hh6
Timer clear Clear Timer stat/topic/POWER Stopped 00:00:00.006
Timer load 0 30 00 00 Load Timer with HHH:MM:SS.hh and Start stat/topic/POWER Running 0:29:55.006
Timer load 0:30:00.00 Load Timer with HHH:MM:SS.hh and Start stat/topic/POWER Running 0:29:55.006

Object Type Var as Flag Use 2 Vars Payload Action Response1,2
Variable x x none or "?" None stat/topic/POWER {value}
Variable x x on Set Variable to 1 stat/topic/POWER 1
Variable x x off Set Variable to 0 stat/topic/POWER 0
Variable x x toggle Mask Variable value with 0x01, if 1, then Set to 0; if 0, then Set to 1 stat/topic/POWER 0|1
Variable Yes - on value Mask value with 0x01. If 1, Set Var to 1. If 0, Set Var to 0 stat/topic/POWER 0|1
Variable Yes - value Mask value with 0x01. If 1, Set Var to 1. If 0, Set Var to 0 stat/topic/POWER 0|1
Variable Yes - {Count text} No Action
Variable No No on value Mask value with 0xFF, Set Variable with result stat/topic/POWER {value}
Variable No No value Mask value with 0xFF, Set Variable with result stat/topic/POWER {value}
Variable No No {Count text} Increment Var stat/topic/POWER {value}
Variable No Yes on value Mask value with 0xFFFF. Set Var with LSB, Set Var+1 with MSB stat/topic/POWER {value}
Variable No Yes value Mask value with 0xFFFF. Set Var with LSB, Set Var+1 with MSB stat/topic/POWER {value}
Variable No Yes {Count text} Increment Var, Increment Var+1 if Var overflows stat/topic/POWER {value}

1 Order of "cmnd", "stat", "topic", "POWER" depend on topic settings. Prefix and Postfix are defaults.
2 Stat responses for X10, Custom Lights and IR will respond with an OFF/ON/ON {level} or 0-100 format, depending on the "Response uses ..." Settings. Stat RESULT response may be in addition to or replace POWER response depending on "State Response" Settings.
3 One or more of these items can be included in the same payload. If conflicting items for the same mode are present, the last one takes effect. Items are case insensitive.
4 "Unknown" is sent in response to a state query since IR, Macro, Scheduled Events and Periodic Events objects have no state.
5 Default is 1. If value is outside the range of 1-9, it is set to the the closest allowed value (e.g., 0→1, 20→9).
6 If "State Response": "RESULT" is checked, Timer status will report like this:
    stat/topic/RESULT {"STATE":"Running","TIME":"0:29:55.00"}

Payload Notes: