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How to Use Home Assistant Auto Discovery

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For systems where you want to expose a significant number of internal objects to Home Assistant, the MQTT plug-in provides an Auto Discovery feature that pushes discovery messages to Home Assistant, negating the need to enter each object’s code into your configuration.yaml.

To use discovery, you should have the MQTT integration enabled in Home Assistant.

Caution: Auto Discovery assumes that in MQTT Configuration “Settings”, the “State Response” settings are all checked, and “Response uses OFF/ON” are all checked. Changing these settings will likely result in Discovered entities not working as expected.

Auto Discovery does use the “Command Prefix”, “State Prefix” and “Power Postfix” settings, and works with Object topics in any of the six standard topic templates: <T>, >T<, <>T, T<>, ><T, T><.

Built-in Method

The MQTT plug-in supports a User Interface for Discovery. Because this is a feature that most users won’t need, and for those who do use it, it is likely a one-time or seldom used feature, it is accessed by a normally “hidden” tab. To activate the Discovery feature, open the MQTT configuration screen, hover your mouse anywhere on the screen, then press F4. You should see a new “Discovery” tab appear. Alternately pressing F4 will cause the Discovery tab to appear/disappear.

Using the Built-in Method

Discovery tab visibility as well as the selection of settings on the Discovery screen are volatile; they are not saved when the plug-in is shut down, unlike other plug-in settings.

Manual Method

The MQTT Plug-in contains a public procedure to do discovery from within other plug-ins. To use, the plug-in must have the following line:

    hvImport haObjectDiscovery

Syntax of discovery command:

    hvObjectDiscovery {-noid} {-nous} {-nodevice} {-retain} add {object_type {id1 id2 ...}}

“flag_b” generates a flag as a binary_sensor. “flag” does a switch. As a binary_sensor, the flag is “read-only”. As a switch, it can be read and written. You can run discovery on a flag for both types (separately of course). Discovery in this case will generate different unique_IDs and entity IDs for each type. Depending on -noid, names may be the same, but these can be changed in the Home Assistant UI if desired. There may be a need to have the same flag appear as both (although I don’t have a use case for it!)

For number, sensor and binary_sensor objects, if “dc:device_class” is found in the HomeVisionXL Description field of the var (var_n), flag (flag_b), input, analog input, or temp (DTS), a “device_class” attribute will be created with device_class as its value. No validation is made to make sure device_class is a valid “device_class” for the object, and may produce unknown behavior in Home Assistant if invalid.


Discover all objects:

       hvObjectDiscovery 1

Discover some x-10 (A2, B6, C15):

       hvObjectDiscovery 1 x10 1 21 46

Show all discovery messages, but don’t publish:

       hvObjectDiscovery 2

Remove all objects:

       hvObjectDiscovery 0

Remove flag 10:

       hvObjectDiscovery 0 flag 10

Discover only flag objects (as switches):

       hvObjectDiscovery 1 flag

Discover only flag objects (as binary_sensors):

       hvObjectDiscovery 1 flag_b

Discover more than one but less than your total object types. No ID or underscores in Name. Add a new command line for each type:

      hvObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 flag 10
      hvObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 x10 1 21 46

Discovery Notes

If a plug-in needs to use configuration values from the MQTT plug-in, use the “getDiscovConfig” procedure. “getDiscovConfig” returns a dict with the following:


“clientID” can be used to create unique ids if necessary.

Example (as provided by the Caseta Plug-in):

    hvPublic getDiscovDevices
    proc getDiscovDevices {} {

        mk::loop row cfg.devices {
            lassign [mk::get $row id name] id name
            dict set caseta caseta $id [list "CA-$id" $name]
        return $caseta

    hvPublic haObjectDiscovery
    proc haObjectDiscovery {args} {
        sendDiscovery $noid $nous $retain $nodevice $add $id $name $topic $obj_type $dev_type $model $manuf
    hvImport getDiscovConfig
    hvImport mqttComm
    proc sendDiscovery {args} {
        # get prefix/postfix, etc. info from MQTT, if needed.
        set mqttcfg {*}[getDiscovConfig]
        # create HA discovery topic and message
        # send discovery
        mqttComm -retain pub $hadiscoverytopic $message

HomeVision Object Discovery Details

An MQTT discovery message is sent in the form:

    homeassistant/{entity type}/{id}/config {payload}

{entity type} is a Home Assistant defined entity.
{id} is a unique id constructed from the MQTT plug-in’s client ID and the object’s ID. This assures a unique ID even if for some (probably very unlikely) reason another HomeVisionXL MQTT is running in your system.
{payload} is the required Home Assistant definition of elements for the entity.

Home Assistant Devices

For each object type, MQTT Discovery can create a separate “device” that groups all entities created for that type. Device names will be “HomeVision {Object_type}”

The following entity types and devices are created according to the Object type:

HomeVision Object Entity Type Device Name
X-10, Light Dimming capable light HomeVisionXL X10
HomeVisionXL Light
X-10: Appliance or switch module switch HomeVisionXL X10
Flag switch HomeVisionXL Flag
Flag_b binary_sensor HomeVisionXL Flag_b
Variable sensor HomeVisionXL Var
Variable_n number HomeVisionXL Var_n
IR switch HomeVisionXL Ir
Input binary_sensor HomeVisionXL Input
Output switch HomeVisionXL Output
Analog Input sensor HomeVisionXL Analog
DTS (temp) sensor HomeVisionXL Temp
HVAC climate HomeVisionXL Hvac
Macro switch HomeVisionXL Macro
Scheduled Event switch HomeVisionXL Se
Periodic Event switch HomeVisionXL Pe
Timer sensor HomeVisionXL Timer

Discovery Messages

Here are examples of what is sent to Home Assistant during discovery.
The JSON formatted payloads are expanded for readability.
Note: Actual discovery payloads may use abbreviated configuration variable names.

X-10, Light Objects

Defined as “light” entities.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_C-9",
        "name": "C-9 Kitchen_Sink",
        "state_topic": "stat/KitchenSink/RESULT",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/KitchenSink/POWER",
        "payload_on": "ON",
        "payload_off": "OFF",
        "state_value_template": "{{ value_json.POWER }}",
        "brightness_command_topic": "cmnd/KitchenSink/POWER",
        "brightness_state_topic": "stat/KitchenSink/RESULT",
        "brightness_scale": 100,
        "brightness_value_template": "{{ value_json.Dimmer }}",
        "on_command_type": "brightness",
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision X10",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",

If a device is defined as a appliance or switch module, it will be set up as a switch entity instead.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_C-11",
        "name": "C-9 Kitchen_Sink",
        "state_topic": "stat/Coffee/RESULT",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/Coffee/POWER",
        "payload_on": "ON",
        "payload_off": "OFF",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.POWER }}",
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision X10",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


Defined as “switch” entities. In this case, the STATE RESULT payload uses “STATE” instead of “POWER”.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_FL-18",
        "name": "FL-18 Trace_1",
        "state_topic": "stat/Trace1/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/Trace1/POWER",
        "payload_on": "Set",
        "payload_off": "Clear",
        "state_on": "Set",
        "state_off": "Clear",
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Flag",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",

Alternatively, a flag can be defined as a binary_sensor (use “flag_b” as the object type). The flag would be read-only from the perspective of Home Assistant. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. Must be a valid sensor device class. See Note.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_FL-26b",
        "name": "FL-26b Gar_Dr_Report_OnTime",
        "state_topic": "stat/GarDrReportOnTime/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "payload_on": "Set",
        "payload_off": "Clear"
        "device_class: "garage_door",
        "qos": 1,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Flag_b",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


A variable can be defined as a number entity (use “var_n” as the object type). The variable will be implemented as a slider. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. Must be a valid sensor device class. “max” and “min” can be set similarly. If not explicitly set, max = 255 and min = 0. See Note.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_VA-145n",
        "name": "VA-145 Battery Level",
        "state_topic": "stat/BatteryLevel/RESULT",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/BatteryLevel/POWER",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "min": 0,
        "max": 255,
        "qos": 1,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Var_n,
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",

Alternatively, a variable can be defined as a “sensor” entity; just use “var” as the object type. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. Must be a valid sensor device class. See Note. See “Variable Options” in the “Tips” section of Tips for interfacing HomeVision with Home Assistant for other uses of variables.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_VA-145",
        "name": "VA-145 Battery Level",
        "state_topic": "stat/BatteryLevel/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "device_class": "battery",
        "qos": 1,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Var,
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


Defined as “binary Sensor” entities. “payload_on” and “payload_off” are defined as the text in HomeVisionXL’s Input Port Summary’s “Low State Label” and “High State Label”, respectively. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. Must be a valid binary_sensor device class. See Note. Binary sensors do not have a “retain” option.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_IB-5",
        "name": "IB-5 Door1",
        "state_topic": "stat/Door1/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "payload_on": "Open",
        "payload_off": "Closed",
        "device_class": "garage_door",
        "qos": 1,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Input",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


Defined as “switch” entities. “state_on” and “state_off” are defined as the text in HomeVisionXL’s Output Port Summary’s “High State Label” and “Low State Label”, respectively. Note: this is opposite of inputs!

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_OA-3",
        "name": "OA-3 Sprinkler_Enable",
        "state_topic": "stat/SprinklerEnable/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/SprinklerEnable/POWER",
        "payload_on": "high",
        "payload_off": "low",
        "state_on": "Enabled",
        "state_off": "Disabled",
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Output",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


Defined as “switch” entities. Number of repeats is set to 1. Because IR objects have no real “on/off” state, IR switches will show as Off, and when clicked to On, will shortly return back to the Off position, since the state message payload will not match.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_IR-152",
        "name": "IR-152 Candles_on",
        "state_topic": "stat/Candleson/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/Candleson/POWER",
        "payload_on": "ON 1",
        "payload_off": "ON 1",
        "state_on": "ON",
        "state_off": "Unknown",
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Ir",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",

IR entities can also be used as Buttons, which makes a little more sense UI-wise. These can be added manually in the UI, which will create a button object like this:

      - type: button
          action: toggle
        entity: switch.ir_119_comcast_nav_up
        show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        icon: 'mdi:arrow-up-box'
        icon_height: 50px
          action: none

Macros, Scheduled Events, Periodic Events

Defined as “switch” entities. Because these objects have no real “on/off” state, switches will show as Off, and when clicked to On, will shortly return back to the Off position, since the state message payload will not match.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_MA-10",
        "name": "MA-10 Good Night",
        "state_topic": "stat/GoodNight/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "command_topic": "cmnd/GoodNight/POWER",
        "payload_on": "Run",
        "payload_off": "Run",
        "state_on": "ON",
        "state_off": "Unknown",
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Macro",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",

Like IR entities, Macros, Scheduled Events and Periodic Events can also be used as Buttons. See IR above for details.

Digital Temperature Sensors

Defined as “sensor” entities. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. If no device class is found in the Description, then “device_class” is set to “temperature”. Must be a valid sensor device class. See Note. If the “device_class” word is followed by a “-F” or “-C”, “unit_of_measurement” is set to “F” or “C” accordingly. Otherwise it is set to the value specified in HomeVisionXL’s Settings->Temperature Scale. Sensors do not have a “retain” option.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_TE-0",
        "name": "TE-0 Digital_temp_sensor_0",
        "state_topic": "stat/Digitaltempsensor0/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "unit_of_measurement": "F",
        "device_class": "temperature",
        "qos": 1,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Temp",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",

Analog Inputs

Defined as “sensor” entities. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. Must be a valid sensor device class. See Note.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_AN-0",
        "name": "AN-0 Analog_Input_0",
        "state_topic": "stat/AnalogInput0/RESULT",
        "value_template": "{{ value_json.STATE }}",
        "device_class": "battery",
        "qos": 1,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Analog",
                "model": "HomeVision",
                "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


Defined as two “sensor” entities, one for the timer’s state (Running, Stopped, Ringing) and one for the current time. Time is reported in “HHH:MM:SS.hh” format. The text “state” is appended to the name of the timer for the state entity, and “time” is appended to the name of the timer for the time entity. “device_class” is set if found in the input’s “Description” field. Must be a valid sensor device class, although “device_class” may not make sense for timers. See Note.

          "name":"Wash Timer state",
          "value_template":"{{ value_json.STATE }}"
          "device": {
                  "identifiers": [
                  "name":"HomeVisionXL Timer",
                  "model": "HomeVision",
                  "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",
          "name":"Wash Timer time",
          "value_template":"{{ value_json.TIME }}"}!
          "device": {
                  "identifiers": [
                  "name":"HomeVisionXL Timer",
                  "model": "HomeVision",
                  "manufacturer": "CustomSolutions",


Defined as “climate” entities. This is for HVAC native support for RCS TX-15 type thermostats. Assumes F. While the HVAC returns modes in Title case, the climate entity requires them in lower case. The mode_, hold_, and fan_ state_templates convert them to lower case. When Home Assistant sends commands to the HVAC, it sends in lower case, but the MQTT plug-in is case-insensitive on receive.

When HVAC status is sent from HomeVisionXL, “Fan” reports either “Auto” or “On”. The “Auto” here conflicts with the mode (“HVAC”) of “Auto”. Since the fan keywords used to set the fan mode are “fanauto” and “fanon”, these are defined as the Fan_modes items, and the fan_mode_state_template prepends “fan” to what it receives (either “Auto” or “On”).

(Note: For Home Assistant version 2022.7.5 and later, “hold” mode is deprecated. In MQTT version 1.111 and later, “hold” items are replaced by “preset_mode” items. In at least the Home Assistant custom:simple_thermostat card, this change is transparent (no change to the card is required to support “preset_mode” vs. “hold”.) Below is the new “preset_mode” configuration.

        "unique_id": "HVXLb1d0d912ed315aad_HV-1",
        "name": "HV-1 Zone1",
        "modes": [
        "fan_modes": [
        "preset_modes": [
        "mode_command_topic": "cmnd/Zone1/POWER",
        "preset_mode_command_topic": "cmnd/Zone1/POWER",
        "temperature_command_topic": "cmnd/Zone1/POWER",
        "fan_mode_command_topic": "cmnd/Zone1/POWER",
        "current_temperature_topic": "stat/Zone1/RESULT",
        "current_temperature_template": "{{ value_json.Temperature }}",
        "mode_state_topic": "stat/Zone1/RESULT",
        "mode_state_template": "{{ value_json.HVAC|lower }}",
        "preset_mode_state_topic": "stat/Zone1/RESULT",
        "preset_mode_value_template": "{{ value_json.Control|lower }}",
        "temperature_state_topic": "stat/Zone1/RESULT",
        "temperature_state_template": "{{ value_json.Setpoint }}",
        "fan_mode_state_topic": "stat/Zone1/RESULT",
        "fan_mode_state_template": "{{ \"fan\" + value_json.Fan|lower }}",
        "temperature_unit": "F",
        "precision": 1.0,
        "max_temp": 99,
        "min_temp": 55,
        "qos": 1,
        "retain": false,
        "device": {
                "identifiers": [
                "name": "HomeVision Hvac",
                "model": "TX-15",
                "manufacturer": "RCS",

Device Class, Max and Min Note

For all objects defined as number, sensor or binary sensor entities, “device_class” can be set by placing the following somewhere in the Object’s Description field in HomeVisionXL. “max” and “min” are valid for number entities (var_n) only.


device_class is a valid device class name for the sensor or binary sensor. max_value and min_value should be 0-255. No checking is done to make sure device_class is a valid device class, nor are the max and min values checked. There are no spaces around the “:”. Other text is allowed in the Description as well. If there is, there should be at least one space separating any other text from “dc:device_class”.

Example Object Description:

   Outside Humidity  dc:humidity max:100 min:0

Re-discovery: When Home Assistant Forgets Discovered Devices

Discovery messages are sent from the MQTT Plug-in with “retain” on. This means that when you restart Home Assistant, it should automatically get updated by your MQTT broker with retained discovery messages.

However, this is not foolproof. If you restart both Home Assistant and the MQTT broker (for example, they are both on the same computer and it gets rebooted) and the broker is not saving retained messages persistently, you may find that your discovered entities are “orphaned” in Home Assistant.

When this happens, you’ll want a quick way to get those devices “re-discovered”! Here’s how.

    hvImport haObjectDiscovery
    haObjectDiscovery ...


    hvImport haObjectDiscovery

    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 output
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 input
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 hvac
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 ir
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 flag_b 6 7 26
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 flag 12 13 14 18 19 20 24 25
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 x10

This example discovers all defined outputs, inputs, hvac, ir, and x10 objects, Flags 6, 7, and 8 as binary sensors, and Flags 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, and 25 as sensors.

Make sure that, as you add new objects (or remove them from Home Assistant), you update this file.

If you want to be able to run this FROM Home Assistant, the plug-in is slightly more complex:

hvImport debug
hvImport mqttComm
hvImport haObjectDiscovery

hvPublic myhadisccb
proc myhadisccb {fulltopic msg {retain 0}} {

    debug "myhadisccb:$fulltopic,$msg" red

proc init {t} {
    if {[mqttComm sub cmnd/MyHADiscovery/POWER myhadisccb] != 1} {
        debug "Retry Discovery: $t" red
        set t [expr {$t - 1}]
        if {$t > 0} {
            after 2000 [list init $t]

proc myHADiscovery {} {
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 output
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 input
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 hvac
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 ir
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 flag_b 6 7 26
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 flag 12 13 14 18 19 20 24 25
    haObjectDiscovery -noid -nous 1 x10

hvEventHook ready [list init 10]
hvEventHook exit  [mqttComm unsub cmnd/MyHADiscovery/POWER]

Sending an MQTT message to

    message: cmnd/MyHADiscovery/POWER
    Payload: {anything}

will trigger the myHADiscovery procedure and re-discover your devices.

How Device Name Affects Entity and Friendly Names

Prepending the device name to the object name to create a friendly name and an entity name is a Home Assistant architectural decision made a long time ago but wasn’t implemented in the Home Assistant MQTT integration, specifically, the MQTT Integration’s discovery feature, until version 2023.8.0. (Similarly, Tasmota Software, around version 12.0 or so, and the Home Assistant Tasmota integration implemented this as well.)

If you use Devices in your HomeVision MQTT Plug-in’s discovery, Home Assistant will create entities in this format:

    {device name}_{object name}

and friendly names in this format:

    {device name} {object name}

For a HomeVision macro called “Outside Lights Off”, Home Assistant will create the following:

    entity name:   switch.homevisionxl_macro_outside_lights_off

    friendly name: HomeVisionXL Macro Outside Lights Off

If you don’t want the device name prepended to the object name, you’ll need do one of the following:

Note: In some cases, you may wind up with entity names changing from what you may have had before. Carefully check and manually update any instances of affected entities to the new names. It’s especially important for any LoveLace-based automations, scripts, helpers, etc., as well as your configuration file(s), which won’t get updated to a new entity name automatically, and may not produce an obvious error (other than not working as expected).